Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We Are All Very Confused Children

I was sitting on the bus today and was thinking about how everyone seems to be looking for something. And once you find whatever you were looking for, there is always something else that you need to find. So if you spend your whole life searching, then you'll never miss anything right? If only it could be that simple. There are so many people searching that it is impossible to find anything or anyone because we are all looking for different things. It's commotion. Right now for example, I'm trying to find my train of thought. Wait... there found it again. See, you find things and you keep searching. For what? It depends. Answers to questions that make no sense, a reason, an idea, an inspiration or even a clue. No matter what happens you just might never find what you are looking for. It's a leap of faith actually. For me, it's more like I leap just because that's what everyone has done before me. Screw faith. Faith just fills your head with bull shit. There is no such thing as a leap of faith. Faith is not courage, it's false information. You're jumping off a bridge, killing everything, not leaping with your eyes closed into the unknown. Try finding reasons for faith's answers. Wait now I see, it's called a leap of faith because you have to be so out of your mind and full of shit to actually believe that searching will help you find anything. So, there it is. I have no idea where I am. Why don't you take a leap of faith. Maybe you'll find me.

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