Sunday, October 3, 2010

Me and You

It truly is a shame.
Here I am perfect and happy,
and there you are so angry and alone.

I've made so many good friends, so much better than the ones I had.
I'm never alone with my thoughts or tears.
I am simply wonderful and everything I do is the right decision.
I never regret anything because everything I do is right,
and when I cry snot doesn't drip down my beautiful face.

I shit rainbows.

I smile and happiness spreads.
I drink to forget all the amazing things I've done and said.
I never wish I was dead.

And then there's you.
Sitting in your room alone
hating yourself for all you've done.
Wishing you had your good friends around you;
the ones back at home.

You have so many regrets about decisions
you thought you had to make.
And when you cry, you are not a pretty picture.

So, you're crying tears that no one sees and loving
someone who has every right to hate.

You pass the time with shows
and music, but everything in the world
reminds you of the good times.
Your closet is full of him and his smell.
There's no doubt you deserve this hell.

After awhile, me and you becomes I.
And the person in the mirror isn't the person I wish to be,
but the person I wish the one I love would see.