Saturday, May 31, 2008


I'm thinking about Hemmingway's death. He killed himself after saying that the drugs he was given for his depression took his memories away. He was a great writer because he wrote from experience. Tragic way of going it seems. Tragic in a beautiful way.

Good-night Mr. Hemmingway, I'm sorry to say you blew your brains out. And what a beautiful one you had indeed. Your mind was your only downfall and curse. It seems to me that we have something in common.


This story does not have an end. It goes on forever without purpose or point. Many die along the way. Decaying as they do, the pictures they take will be long lost. Smile for the camera, we all want to remember who you were. Diseases takes over natural death. They struggled and fought for their lives, but as many efforts go, they were futile. Stories about their end lasted longer than they did. They distracted themselves to death. You see, their END was not THE END. Their arrogance caused them to be unaware that they were alone. Alone in their beliefs that they were the superior race. Many took their own lives, but some lasted until the end. They finally got to see the extent of the wounds they caused. TO BE ALONE AND AWAY FROM THE TRUE PICTURE, THAT CANNOT BE TAKEN BY A CAMERA AS EVERYONE FAKES A SMILE. THEY WANT TO BE REMEMBERED AS A HAPPY PERSON WHO DID NOT THINK THESE THOUGHTS ABOUT THEIR END. I AM THE PHOTOGRAPHER. I AM NOT SMILING

Bipolar....the Creative Disease?

I believe this to be true in most cases. Artists analyze every part of their human mind. In the end they can see everything. Knowledge is not technically power when you learn to hate those who walk day to day without a single thought flying through their minds. They are not alone. We are alone in our own little worlds. We see what they chose not to. We feel the hurt of their ignorance and incompetence when those who bare it pass us by. We lie down and stare up at the sky and describe it in beautiful words to whose who cannot see. They look straight ahead, at the future and refuse to see an end. We tell them that there is, this they ignore. We see the light and the dark and we explore the good and the evil, we learn to love one or the other a little more as they travel the gray. In the end it is us who die lonely and afraid as we put shotguns to our heads. And they die with love around their death beds. We suffer so they can occasionally pick up our hearts and tear through them sucking the life from our words, our memories. We accept the pain it takes to keep our eyes open to make up for the fact that they are blind. You see, the world wants everything to be equal. With life comes death, with knowledge comes ignorance, with healing comes pain, but in the earth we are all the same.

The Movies and My BIG Mistake!

Well, yesterday I went after school to try and go see the Sex and the City movie, but surprise surprise it was sold out. Instead my friends and I saw Iron Man which was AWESOME! I could only enjoy my time out for a short while until I got home and realized that I didn't call my parents to tell them that I had gone to the movies... I'm sooooo stupid. But, the truth is, I thought that they would not have cared since they were in Niagra Falls over night. That's where everything went wrong because they called the house and I wasn't there. So, they came home panicked instead of staying over night in Niagra... I guess I was also angry because they seemed to have the time to fit in a strangers wedding and my brother's baseball but, couldn't even drop me off at a friends house. I completey regret it now and know that I have to tell my parents where I am going at all times. But, the funny thing is that instead of grounding me and kcking my ass, my parents are going to buy me a cell-phone. I love them for that (not the phone part, them not kicking my ass part...)