Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Things I shouldn't forget (but do anyway) when I'm sad:

- the kindness of strangers and the great feelings involved with helping them
- how I love to thank bus drivers
- friendly hockey rivalries
- short elevator conversations- seeing people you haven't seen in a long time and exchanging stories
- planning outings with old friends
- the smell of laundry, who knew that doing chores could smell so good?
- the warming loveliness of mittens on a cold winter's walk
- the great taste of leftover pasta!- movie romances that would never happen in real life, but I secretly hope they do
- that I shouldn't take myself so freaking seriously- if I don't love myself, no one will
- people make mistakes; they also tend to forget about good memories when they're concentrating on the bad ones
- I should wake up and go to sleep loving myself
- and FINALLY:

you never truly lose anyone, not as long as you love them

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