I have feelings... tons of feelings.
Ones that well up and burst,
others that I suppress only to hold onto them as long as possible.
I find myself only attracted to complete strangers.
An unhealthy habit. I know.
Maybe I love too easily, attraction is a second. Love immediately after.
I feel in love with a guy who smiled at me. I'm riding a streetcar named love :)
No wonder I have so much trouble talking to people.
I'm insecure, outside, inside, every side.
I'm a tired person.
I'm tired of trying to hide from fuck heads and their fuck-headed comments.
People who can't understand their own words.
I'm not made of metal. Your sticks and stones will break my bones. I shatter. I'm glass. Words can hurt me. They will always do damage.
So why don't you stop wondering why I'm not talking to you anymore?
If you put this much thought into what you say, then what you said...
I don't what to think about you anymore... because it only reminds me of what you said.
No one ever made fun of my flaws before you. I saw them. Now I think that everyone else sees them too. Are you happy now??? ARE YOU HAPPY??? You didn't know me.
But you thought you saw me.
I've realized who my true friends are, I've got one back ;) I'm closer to others and I'm just glad that you never got close enough to do damage. With a knife perhaps?
I heard stories and I decided to form my own opinion.
You are a sad, sad boy who has no idea how to make friends.
Me. I'm a loner. I don't hurt anyone.
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