The concept of change hits you like a breaking ball. It rips through your body and shocks you to your core. There are changes to make the world better. Changes in medicine, education, laws and most importantly: our way of thinking. Sometimes these changes will happen fast and be accepted immediately, but others will only happen though determination and time. One day I feel that I will become like my parents. I will hate the changes to the traditional world in which I was raised because it will signify the loss of my history. Will I hate people who are different than what I consider normal?
It is true, that everyone wants to be remembered. But, who wants to remember a world where people were slaves to their own assumptions of their own superiority, their own definitions of freedom, of what is morally right or wrong. Our language is not universal. We are just animals with the mindset that what we say is definite. That what we do can always be justified by our means. That what we write is read. That what we envision is pictured the same in every reader's mind. We have created a glass dome, in which we are safe from outside influences. In which we are the superior ones. And yet, a spider crawls into the dome and makes a grown man break into a cold sweat.
we lie to ourselves on a daily basis. willful blindness helps us in our sad plight. let us all follow the leader. let us all deny our abilities. let us all ignore the warnings from our aching limbs. let us all destroy ALL compassion. let us unite in hatred, dance in the darkness, spill the blood, drink the sorrow, bask in our greatness, smile at the wars, defend the death, eat the flesh, deny the facts, swallow the shit, burst with pleasure, break the rebels, follow the leader, follow the rules, follow what is best, we are all tools
we are no longer human.
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