Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Movies and My BIG Mistake!

Well, yesterday I went after school to try and go see the Sex and the City movie, but surprise surprise it was sold out. Instead my friends and I saw Iron Man which was AWESOME! I could only enjoy my time out for a short while until I got home and realized that I didn't call my parents to tell them that I had gone to the movies... I'm sooooo stupid. But, the truth is, I thought that they would not have cared since they were in Niagra Falls over night. That's where everything went wrong because they called the house and I wasn't there. So, they came home panicked instead of staying over night in Niagra... I guess I was also angry because they seemed to have the time to fit in a strangers wedding and my brother's baseball but, couldn't even drop me off at a friends house. I completey regret it now and know that I have to tell my parents where I am going at all times. But, the funny thing is that instead of grounding me and kcking my ass, my parents are going to buy me a cell-phone. I love them for that (not the phone part, them not kicking my ass part...)

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