Saturday, May 10, 2008


The fact is...that you are never truly alone because everything you do will be based on someone else's ideas. It doesn't matter is you work yourself to death trying to be different. Your ideas will have been thought of by another person. You may deem it odd that I am writing at such a young age, but this time is incredibly important since I am very young, therefore ignorant. I cannot write about love or wisdom. I have yet to live. No, now is my time to ask questions. Later, I may find some answers, maybe I wont. Maybe I'll never give up searching. That's what kills us. We are all children 'til the end. Sticky and perverse children. It's your bedtime, in the morning things can be different, as long as you never open your eyes my love. Your barriers will crumble, these walls that have been built, by those you will never know and for a reason you cannot bare to comprehend. But I will let you in on a secret...

they were built to keep these very thoughts out. once they are in, there is no stopping them my dear.

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