Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friends vs. Lovers

In the end, all you need is a friend. You know the cliche: "Let's just be friends." ? Well it's true. Friends are much better than lovers. Why else would most people want friendship after a relationship ends? Sad, yes. Even in some relationships you cannot be friends with the one you love, that is, until you break up of course.

When it comes to friends, your heart is never broken, they don't feel the need to protect you from the world and they love you no matter what. The love they give you never hurts and they are always there for you, to pat you on the back and tell you that you did everything you could and that everything you did was just. They're not scared of your tears. When they console you, it's because they care. They take your side and understand you. You can fight with them and they wont hold anything against you. That's what makes my friends more valuable than anything in the world.

And finally they are with you when and after you fuck up constantly.

At seventeen I've realized this one thing that most children find out immediately. Better late than never.

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