Wednesday, July 9, 2008

To Find A Friend

You know how it is like when you are young? You know! Like in kindergarten...

"Do you want to be my friend?"
"Sure! let's be best friends!"
"Sounds awesome! let's go talk about boys and dream about gumdrops and bubble gum castles."
The sad thing is that doesn't seem to work anymore. But, if you make friends in kindergarten then you wont have to worry about making anymore friends that way. My problem is that I have ditched all those people who wanted to be my friend way back in the day. Destined to be alone. Ha. I've made this for myself and only have yours truly to blame. Blame, it seems to be a hot topic in my life. Sad ain't it? Pity and blame. Can't we all just live with peace and love man? Hippies are totally gone! Why is that? They've all been ditched... Hatred and power are taking over and I'm the god damned leader of the pack. I'm pitiful. Pity me. I'm sick and I'm going to sleep. The only place I can hide from your eyes. Forgive me. I'm sort of sorry. Sorry. It is so overused these days. That was the topic of this post FYI. It sort of got lost between the lines a bit. But what I meant to say to those who I have hurt...
To find a friend, turn to the one closest to your left and look in their eyes. I have a feeling they wont be mine.

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