Many people don't feel complete without constant romantic attention. That attention is addicting since it seems good natured until that attention drifts to another and you're left alone. It's the absence of attention that makes people so desperate and sad after the one person they like - ends up liking another. It sucks when they're the only person you think about, yet they don't feel the same. Sure they like you, but liking you just isn't enough. They need others and they have their eyes wide open - scanning for someone better, someone un
like you.
Love makes everyone a little crazy. I'm wondering if it's possible to have some cont
rol over the future of a relationship. I guess that's what a lot of people wonder when they cling to the person they love - they're confused, unsure if they should hold on and wait for it to be perfect or left go and lose all those cheesy-romantic-flowery-butterfly-u
nicorn feelings.
And what about those warning signs? The ones that tell you not to fall for someone? It's scary to put your heart on the line after being broken once by the horrible absence of romantic affection. Where does one find the guts to crawl out from under their protective rock in order to find someone new? The scarier part is the possibility of being unable to find confidence and happiness within. I had it for awhile, but I can feel myself clinging onto others once again. Does that mean I'm "scared of commitment" like the cliche goes...?
I would sure love to find a guy to go crazy for again, but the thing is, I'm caught between wanting another relationship and finding happiness in the single life. Now that the possibility of a relationship is only weeks away - I'm terrified that I'll lose all my progress and I'll once again become a clingy, grabby, desperate jackass. The main question in my mind is: Is it worth it? My fluttery-fantastic emotions tell me yes, it is very much worth it. But, you guessed it...like a perpetually flipping coin, this problem has two sides and my reason tells me to be cautious - to the drastic point of staying single.
1 comment:
The lower i scroll, it keeps getting better. Post, post, post.
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