So I was watching Family Feud with my family last week. The host asked the people to name the top five things that might remind someone of their ex.
1. A date/anniversary
2. A scent/cologne
3. A place
4. Gifts
5. And I can't remember the last one... but it sure as hell wasn't Reverse Decadence Chocolate Chip Cookies from President's Choice. I was standing in Zehrs, grocery shopping, when I saw them and held back tears until I realized how pathetic I was being.
I found an interesting article today:
4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Throw Away Reminders of an Ex
By Michelle KnudsonEvery person feels some kind of hurtful emotion when a romance relationship ends. We often get so upset that we end up throwing out everything that reminds us of the ex. Sometimes we throw out things that he or she gave
We will end up with regrets when we throw out things of someone that was special to us at one time in our life.
You may realize that you do love him or her
He or she is going to feel terrible when they find out that you threw out everything about them. You may need to explain yourself, but in the end it will still hurt them despite what you say. If you two get back together after you threw out everything then they will always, in the back of their mind, know how you once felt.
You can't get it back once pictures and things are gone
Pictures of fond memories and things are the only thing that we have left when we are no longer with the person. A fit of anger can cost us a lifetime of memories that we once lived from day to day to be with that person. Romance love is not something that we should take for granted. No person on the face of the earth is the same person. Nobody is ever the same as someone else is.
You might find closure with things that bring happy memories of the person
Closure can often bring us all a sense of happiness. Things that trigger happy memories with the person will often bring us closure when our heart hurts. We may cry here and there, but sometimes it does mend the heart. Tears over someone that we love are a normal reaction that nearly everyone has been through in life. Closure does not mean that we don't love that person anymore it simply means that we can finally move on without crying every time someone mentions their name.
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