My mom dropped me off in Kingston. She drove for 7 hours to get me here and ended up sleeping over until 6am. She just left. When we were saying good-bye I kept telling myself not to cry because I would miss her and I didn't want to be alone. (and after all, I have been crying for the past month and a bit) But, I saw that there were tears in her eyes, and I couldn't hold mine back. I'm glad that I cried with her and hugged her really tight. I'll take all the love I can get.
Anyways, after I said good-bye, I ran up to my room and cried while I watched her drive away. I don't feel as if I've grown up at all. When I was home I started sleeping with my teddy bear again. I've convinced myself that it is giving me comfort from all the sad dreams I've been having. - I have them anyway. I brought it back to Kingston with me, along with a truck load of food as well as flowers. The tulips bloomed already. They made me smile through all the tears and sad sack times I've had today. I want to be grateful for all the things I have, and I believe that I am grateful, but it's hard to tell when what is hurting and what is reality are all twisted together.
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