for the fear of pulling something unwanted back is too strong.
I have my eyes held tightly shut.
I can't tell where I am,
and I can only guess as to where you are.
It's the guessing that getting to me.
I'd like to know where my other half is and if he's alright.
But I know that I indefinitely gave up
all privileges to that knowledge.
I hold my eye so tight because the rest of me is unraveling.
---- Ah, Fuck it. ----
I should just embrace it.
Grasp all the swirling pieces of myself, all this shit:
Jump off a cliff and hope to God I fly.
And I'll say farewell to the love drug
my pants are staying on honey bunch
- so go back to fucking your friends
and go to bed alone
and while you're at it
- go smack your head full of reality.
(This can be obtained through excessive contact with a brick wall)
You're living in your dreams babe.
Time to wake up,
your sweet mommy's not holding your hand anymore.
The moral of this story is:
I'm above giving into my bodily urges
After all, "I'm a fucking bird" I tell you.
So: goodbye, farewell, I bid you adeu!
And I'll float off like Jeffrey in his hot air balloon.
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