Thursday, October 9, 2008
Driving No Where Any Time Soon
Thursday, September 25, 2008
You Call That Mature?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Impressions are PITIFUL
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Laughing at Yourself Doesn't Accomplish Anything
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Try This On For Size

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Very Preptarded Line Between Best Friend and Enemy
Did We Become Our Shells?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Please Baby Don't Cry

Monday, September 1, 2008
Ten Ways to Fit Your Whole Summer Into One Day

Among the Ranks of Other Famous Fat Heads
While the strong were forced to made a deal with the devil.
After w/ correction:
While the strong were forced to make a deal with the devil.
Then I received an e-mail back that said:
Done. Thanks.
I'm beginning to think that the bitch was laughing at me. If you say that sentence with sarcasm it explains everything. Writing is quiet ironic. You write a sentence or many and they could be taken anyway that the reader wants to take it. Maybe she intended to say, "What's the big deal. You are sixteen and you wrote a poem that sucks. I have better things to do than correct a mistake you should have noticed before you sent it, so ya! Thanks for the tip. I'm gonna go an get a coffee so I can stay awake long enough to kill myself."
It put a damper on a great day, I have to admit. Whatever, it was partly my fault. Geeezzus even when I sent in a picture of my bunny ABIE she spelt her name wrong in the paper. Jessica Shelley's bunny Albie. Albie? As in the racist dragon?
Shrug it off. Shrug it off. Is it possible? My dad read my story in the paper. The one about THAT day. He didn't say anything. I cried in my room. The same as time and time before when my dad lets me down. I shouldn't cry I know, not over him. I'm sick of wondering what it means, but after I told him that I was published again he told me that he could see me famous. Can I see me famous? Naa. I may be a fat head sometimes but I could never do it full time. I told my mom something when she said that I have talent. I said, "It comes and goes." The scary thing about writing is that after you finish a story you always wonder if that's the last one or if there is another, will it be as good? The world is full of the broken glass of broken goals. You know in school when they try to get you to have goals? Well it's all some sort of conspiracy designed to get you to do great things. I'm too lazy. Way too lazy. I could never get a job working with people. For one thing I don't like them and the other, I'd let them down. One thing that people forget about famous people is that they are still people and when they fall or stumble we love it because it reminds us that even golden plated people get scratched by broken glass. I guess deep down some people hide it, but it shows now and then. Stop hiding silly, come out and play. Embrace your jumbled thoughts, if you can gather enough energy to hold them. I know that I'm too lazy to care. How about you?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
When Talking No Longer Gets You Anywhere

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Old Habits Die Hard
Dr.Footlove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bathroom

Sunday, August 24, 2008
What If You Lived Every Day Like It Was Your Last?

Monday, August 18, 2008
What Would You Say If We Lived On TV?

Sunday, August 10, 2008
When Did "Vegetarian" Become a Bad Thing???
I'm proud of my choice and I wish I had done it sooner. Yet, whenever I say that I'm a vegetarian, some wise-ass asks if I eat chicken or fish, no one informed me that some animals are OK to eat... That's bullshit. How can you call yourself a vegetarian if you eat animals. Either you do or you don't. It's not rocket science. It's like grade two math.
Any Meat + Eat = Meat eater All Meat + Eat - All Meat = Vegetarian
Recently, Peta was brought up in a conversation with my family. The word extremist was used and I was extremely uncomfortable. I was ashamed to be associated with them and why? They have changed so many peoples' views, but sadly, it turns out that they have been changed negatively, or in these words "Peta gives vegetarians a bad name." Now that I see it written down, it's actually funny. Look at it this way, Peta fights for animal rights. Vegetarians don't eat animals, therefore pretty much fighting for animal rights. Suddenly, vegetarian means "crazy hippie who protests and persuades people to join their club sometimes using violence". Peta isn't giving vegetarians a bad name. In truth, I wouldn't have been a vegetarian if it wasn't for Peta. Maybe I've been feed lies about factory farming or that it's really not that bad for the animals. But, it opened my eyes to what I was eating. It gave me something to set my sights on and also gave me an identity. Haven't you ever wondered why your parents feed you beef, not cow, and that the juicier, the bloodier, the better. I love animals, they have every right to be here as we do. Why should their lives end in order to feed our fat asses, when there is an alternative? Right, the bible says that animals were put on this earth to feed man. Just let me say this... The bible is a FUCKING BOOK. A book designed for mass control. What easier way to ensure that moral values are passed on than through threat? Heaven or Hell YOU DECIDE! All that BS. But, like most things, we are scared to try something different and we stick with what were are used to. Seriously, what could it hurt? I shouldn't have to keep telling myself that I'm doing a great thing. I should know that what I'm doing is great. But, as long as there are those people who are jumping to conclusions about vegetarians, then vegetarians will have a bad name. And anyways... when did fighting for what you believe in and being different become a bad thing?
Friday, August 8, 2008
Image Issues and Coping with Yourself

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Getting Used to Failure and Doggy Heaven

He Saw Fire Wherever He Looked

The ball of fire in the sky had fallen by the time the ape stepped off the train and he was greeted with a cold gust of wind that chilled him to the bone. He preferred to play with fire when the eyes were not watching. They were always watching when the sky was ablaze. They relied on fire as he did, given this he chose to avoid hurting anyone with his flames. His hands were starting to itch. He wiped the pus off on his pants and headed towards the flashing sign in a bar’s window. The bar was one of those places where people went if they couldn’t get into the nicer bars, but in most cases you went there if you wanted to get shit faced. A man at the front door allowed the ape in right away and turned to the people in line to deal with their complaints, but stopped himself, the people were not complaining and he smirked. It didn’t surprise him. The ape just looked like one of those guys that you didn’t pick a fight with, if you did, you might as well pick out your coffin and it could be a cheap coffin, something around the size of an empty water jug, because the guy would likely beat you into a bloody pulp.
The ape sat in the corner and bellowed to the bartender to make him something strong. Waiting for his drink to come, the ape’s eyes fixed on his hands again. The waitress arrived with his drink, but he didn’t notice that it had come until he looked up to see the glass on the edge of the scuffed tabletop. Finishing his drink, the ape looked across the smoke filled room, when his eyes fixed on a large man who stood up from his table and walked to the bar.
He knew the ape had seen him. That was whom he was hired to find. He began counting which gave the ape some time to come to the bar himself, but after exactly three minutes he turned, walked over and sat at the ape’s table.
“How ya been?” He asked rhetorically and with a cheerful voice as if they were old friends. The only thing that proved the falseness of his mask were his piercing eyes, which at the time were shooting daggers at the ape, who chose not to answer.
“Do you have a name?” This time the man spoke with apparent slowness, as if it’s very point was to send the ape over the edge. The question seemed to make the man smile, a smile which grew bigger and bigger after every second of silence. After a few moments, the ape saw who this man really was and panic rose up his stomach, up his throat and into his mouth, and then he recognized that it was actually vomit. The back of the ape’s throat was stinging. The man was getting too comfortable with his charade and the ape knew more questions were to come. The ape swallowed the vomit and stood up. The man stopped smiling.
“You are not supposed to leave the facility.” And with that, the man picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. The ape did not stick around to find out who would pick up on the other end. He grabbed the table, ignoring his bubbled hands, and flipped it, crushing the man on the other side. He couldn’t stop himself, his eye’s caught sight of a whiskey bottle and he smashed it on the man’s head. Then lit a match. The flame stopped time and it felt heavier and heavier in the ape’s hand. It became too much to tolerate, so he let it drop.
Without looking back and with screams ringing in his ears, the ape ran through the door and down the street. He was choking on his tears, but didn’t dare stop to catch his breath. He had hurt again. He swore he would never hurt again. His hands were on fire and the scent of burning flesh reached his nostrils. And there was no need to remember, the feeling came back again, and he was laughing.
The motel room was the best the ape could find in his condition. He needed a place to hide away from the men who would come for him, the men that would take his freedom away. Like firemen, they would extinguish his fires and take him away. Then put him back in a room where he could only watch as the bubbles on his hand disappeared and the feeling went away. So, he sat on the bed of the motel room and tried desperately to remember the feeling as it was now, to make sure that he would never forget it. And so, he wouldn’t have to hurt again to get it back.
The television was on. The ape did not remember turning it on. It was the news, in the hospital they were not allowed to watch the news. The ape was immediately fixed to it. The sound was off and a video that was unsteady replaced the face of the pretty news lady. The ape managed to catch -SCAPE FROM ZOO, CAGE LEFT OPEN, as it rolled across the screen. The footage showed a gang of gunmen who were chasing after some kind of animals. The cameraman was running. The ape, with a smile on his face and transfixed to the screen, moved closer to the edge of the bed as if the motion would improve the quality of the video. The cameraman caught up with the gunmen, just in time to see one of the men shoot a monkey in the head. The ape didn’t look away. He wanted to, but knew that if he did, wherever he looked, he would see the very same image in front of him. Just as cruel and as painfully blunt, as it was a few second before. Wherever he looked he would see innocent eyes, eyes that looked into a barrel of a gun and could not fathom why they were having the right to see taken away. All the animals could do was run and the ape man screamed as the second monkey received a bullet in the head by the same gunman. Running got them nowhere. They were running in this world, this hell we created for them. Punishing them for our inability to understand that all life is equal. The gunmen couldn’t see that the animals’ hearts beat like theirs, thought the ape, the one thing that gunmen ignored as they killed them and smiled as the blood pooled at their feet, the feet of lesser men.
The ape could not stand it anymore. His screams were not unheard by the other guests as he picked up the television and threw it against the wall. It fell to the ground in a heap of glass and drywall. But the picture was not gone. It filled the screen again. The ape lit the bed on fire and crawled into a ball on the ground, his eyes still fixed on the television. Seeing the innocent eyes, just as the world went black, eyes that did not look into the gunman’s, they looked to the sky, into beauty and to freedom.
That’s how the young man was found, almost burned alive and staring off into space. The doctor gave him a shoot to put him to sleep and returned him to the facility. Where he could only watch as the walls bled and his hands burned with imaginary fire, while waiting patiently, living day after day, year after year, until the world went black.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Building Sandcastles
Building Sandcastles
His weary eyes followed the black bar as it made its way back up to the start of the page. Groaning, he watched as his hours of work were slowly wiped off the computer screen. He took his right forefinger from the backspace and moved his hands through his dark, scruffy mop of hair. Maybe his ex-wife was right. He pushed off the basement floor, sent the empty chair flying across the dimly lit room and watched as it went crashing into the wall. Taking off his glasses and placing them next to his notepad on the desk, he went up stairs and made a cup of strong coffee. He somehow managed to drain it in less than a minute. His eyes caught sight of the state of his lawn when he went to place his cup in the sink, which was overflowing with week old dishes. The lawn was in such bad shape that the people in the community seemed to avoid it as they went for their morning walks. The shrubs were once trimmed every week, the grass always cut and the flowers… The flowers weren’t dead like they were now… He remembered that his wife had taken care of the flowers. Her face would be marked with displeasure. The last time he saw her she wasn’t too happy either.
“How are you going to support us as a writer? Why don’t you just take that job at my brother’s company?” she asked. Getting more and more furious when he repeated that he had made up his mind. The fight went on for days, but following two weeks of quiet seething she found him in the kitchen preparing dinner.
“Fine. You made up your mind. It seems that you have your whole life sorted out. I can’t convince you to listen to me, so I too have made of my mind.” He didn’t say anything to prevent her from leaving. She moved out a day later.
What he really needed was to go outside. He couldn’t remember the last time he had opened the front door.
Stepping outside, he got an instant headache from the sun. He went back inside to get his sunglasses, which were buried beneath a pile of old newspapers that had piled up on his dinner table. He glanced at the date on one of the papers and become conscious of the fact that he had no idea what day it was. Stepping back outside he began walking. His neighbor John Nelson was having a beer on his front porch. John was waving at him, but he ignored John, kept his head down and walked faster. He really didn’t know where he was going, but stopped went he reached the beach. He first saw a bench powdered with grains of sand, he brushed some of them off, sat down and then he surveyed his surroundings. There was a young man and woman who were having a picnic. He could hear them laughing and felt the familiar pang of jealously. He turned his head away. There were a few other people. A little boy who was having trouble building a sandcastle, someone he assumed to be the little boy’s mother and a few teenagers swimming in the warm water.
The voice made him jump and he turned to see who had broken the silence. It was a small woman in her eighties who had sat down beside him. He gave her an awkward smile and turned his eyes to the ocean.
“I’m sorry I scared you. I just thought that you might want some company.” She waited for his reply, but never got one. She looked like she was in pain as she struggled to get up, to leave him to his silence. He felt bad, so he turned and told her to stay. They sat there for a while, each one off in their own little world. The lady turned to him and told him that she had never seen anyone look so sad.
“I thought how odd. It’s such a beautiful day. The sun is so bright. It brings everything alive. See, just look at the ocean.” She said this as she pointed with her finger that quivered from the effort of the motion. He looked, but he could not see the beauty that she could so effortlessly. He lied to her when he nodded his head. It did appear to please the old lady. She once again pointed to various things around the beach and spoke about their beauty. He began to tune her out. He focused on the sand at his feet and started to push it around with the toe of his shoe. He took a quick look beside him and saw that the old lady had gone. He noticed that he still had his sunglasses on and that there was no need for them, so he took them off and put them in his pocket. Then, he went back to pushing the sand.
“Excuse me mister?” He looked up to see the little boy who had been trying to build a sandcastle and his mother standing beside him. “I was just wondering if you had something that I could put on my castle.” He glanced over the little boy’s shoulder to see that he had succeeded in building a sandcastle. It wasn’t perfect, but it was standing. He asked the boy how long it took him to build the castle.
Smiling, the little boy said, “A long time. It kept falling down.” The man asked him why he just didn’t give up. The little boy looked at him like he was nuts and said, “If I gave up every time that the sandcastle fell down, I’d never build a sandcastle.” The mother added, “Think about it, if every time you built a sandcastle it was perfect, then the excitement of building a perfect castle would fade. The effort makes the finished product that much nicer.” The mother bent and kissed the top of her son’s sandy blond head. Convinced that the man didn’t have anything to give him, the boy returned to his sandcastle. He watched as the boy walked away with his mother and he smiled. He stayed for a little while, until the sun went down and everyone left the beach to return to warm homes. He told himself that it was his time to go too, so he got off the bench and made his way home. This time around he waved to John, who was still sitting on his porch.
Going down stairs, he fetched his chair from across the room, turned on his computer and began writing. He wrote about pursuing dreams, ones that may lead nowhere, finding people who will support your leaps of faith and the importance of sunglasses. But, most of all he wrote about a little old lady who saw beauty wherever she looked and a boy who built imperfect sandcastles all day long.
Can't Wait
Friday, July 18, 2008
Genocide is a Fun Pastime
It denies charges that it organised the Arab Janjaweed militias, accused of widespread atrocities against Darfur's black African population."
- BBC News
The scale of the killing is exaggerated? There should be not killing period. So, the government blames the west for the exaggeration of the killing, causing their charges for mass murder?
The International Criminals Court can have any of it's charges waved by presidents like the President of Sudan Omar al-Bashir, a man who is immune to being prosecuted for his part in the genocide in Darfur. This sure sends a great message. International should no longer be a part of ICC. More like ASFCC. A Select Few Criminals Court. It's fitting I think. What's the point of a criminals court that cannot charge people of high power for their crimes? I guess mass murder isn't a major crime.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Pictures of Loved Ones
This pain wells up inside of me.
This pain when loved ones die.
There are pictures of them, up there.
Their bodies are rotten,
how come I still care?
They are long gone,
but forever loved by flesh and blood.
They had rested before they were withdrawn,
from that warm place under the lawn.
To be placed forever in my beating heart.
Never to part.
You were nothing to some,
But, pictures of loved ones still hag forever on these walls.
Some are blind to these pictures of what they had become.
Except one.
I'm Tired but, I'm Not Going to Bed

Monday, July 14, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
What Does if Feel Like to Feel?

Two Cold Little Bodies Became Food One Day
The hole leads nowhere now,
but it did before.
It was a warm place,
where their end was final.
A resting place.
But they rest no more.
They are gone now.
In more ways than one.
Two cold little bodies
became food one day.
Their warmth had been replaced.
In more than one way.
Picking flowers to beautify her home,
the girl stopped and stared
an image was burning her eyes.
While standing frozen, petrified, surprised.
Face of stone.
Heart beating fast.
Stood in her room alone.
Letting go, hiding no more.
Tears fell, but could not warm
the cold in that cardboard coffin found with a hole.
She had tried and tried with all her core.
But, they would always be food, nothing less.
Nothing more.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Discouragement of An Unknown Cause and Basking in Disaster

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
To Find A Friend
Monday, July 7, 2008
A lone man to defend a broken country.
A strong man,
buried beneath the weight of eight hundred thousand bodies.
Bodies of men, women and children.
Bodies of innocents that had their freedom slashed away.
He was Force Commander,
yet his pleas were muffled by the fog of hatred.
Ignored even.
Until it was too late to be sorry.
His troops were ordered not to shoot.
All he could do was shake hands with the devil.
Condemn him for your mistake.
At least he had the guts to act.
It’s not in our interest.
It’s not in anyone’s interest.
Say that to the child who hid under bodies,
holding her mother’s cold, blood-spattered hand.
She waited for the bad men to go away.
Waited for them to kill her entire village
so she could leave that sacred place.
A church filled with blood.
It’s not in our interest.
We saw those images.
The images of genocide.
We asked ourselves what we could do.
And as we pondered,
The genocide continued.
And that one man didn’t forget.
He couldn’t forget.
The general could only watch as day after day
the light returned to the dark streets.
The light still could not warm as it promised.
It was just another day filled with broken promises and hopes.
Another added to the 100 days of genocide.
Everyday filled with the prospect of being one day closer
to being saved.
But, little did they know that after we had spent our time
We had also wasted their time, watching them die.
If only there had been more men like him.
What if?
We could only waste more time asking.
Time that could be used to find more strong people.
Time that could be used to speak for those who had their voices taken away.
Time that could be used to discover the end of preventable suffering.
Time that could be used to realize that if we only focus on the if’s then
we are just walking backwards,
tripping over bodies and passing all those strong people
who did all that they could.
Even if they were forced to look into the devil’s eyes and make a deal.
Looked into his bleeding eyes as the whole world watched from their couches
and shook their heads, muttering words of pity.
As the strong shook hands with the devil.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Does The World Actually Slow Down?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wholesum Family Fun
Two days later.
I haven't been able to complete this post. Wait... Let me rephrase. I just didn't want to think about it really. I'm ashamed. The hospital gave me more than I deserved. I deserve to feel like shit, puking up my guts. I want to remember it all, so I can hate myself. They drained me. They took the poison from my vanes. I'm finding it hard to spell. My head is pounding. I just wanted to confront it. I've been punched in the chest. They told me my heart was beating irregularly. I want to look at all that happened and see the damage. I need it written down. In plain sight. I can see a little better now. I couldn't see my parents faces. I knew they were there, sitting beside my bed. They are hurt. I hurt them. I can't see their faces. I don't want to see them. To see pain. They will always remember the pain. I can't. I was unconscious. Is it any better? To be oblivious to the hurt? This isn't going to blow over fast. They will look at me. I made a mistake. they will talk. It was stupid. They will judge. I deserve it all. They will see me. It's more than I could ever do. Take a good look. I'm finding it so hard to see. I can't breathe, I can't spell and I can't stand it anymore. I'm so fucking stupid. I pride myself on being so fucking smart. I'm not. Not really. At least everyone will see it now. I'm not who they thought I was. I've been hiding from this. But now it's out in the open. Written down. I can't delete it now. I can see everything. I made a mistake. It's nobodies fault but mine. I could have been dead. But I'm not. I'm here, luckily.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Final Fantasy X

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Vegetarians and Nothing

Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Perfect Little Christian World

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Exams Over / WordPress
I'm thinking of switching to WordPress to see if I can handle advanced blogging. I'll still have this one though. I just looked it up and I can not understand any of it. Guess I'm still a beginner. :)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
We Are All Very Confused Children
Saturday, June 14, 2008
New Additions